第一步前往Cloud Storage, 點擊 +CREATE BUCKET, 在 Choose where to store your data 的區塊, Location type 有三種
這是地理位置與高可用性的相關設定,越後面的設定成本越便宜,但是可用性也越低。 即使如此 google 仍保証了 SLA: 99.95% 的高可用性。
接下來是 Choose a default storage class for your data 的區塊,有
等四種不同的設定, 與檔案的使用頻率有關,對於網站來說建議使用 Standard 。 收費可以參考下表
Storage(per GB-Month)
retrieval(per GB-Month)
Class A Operations(per 1000ops)
Class B Operations(per 1000 ops)
接下來是 Choose how to control access to objects 的設定, 不要勾選 Enforce public access prevention on this bucket, Access control 選擇 Uniform , 這裡的設定是為了避免從 internet 存取 bucket 的資料, 但是我們的目的是放置靜態網站的資料,所以不需設定。
再來是 Choose how to protect object data 這是保護資料的策略,有版本(versioning)與備份(retention)兩種策略, 我們不需要所以選擇 None
按下 Create 以建立 Bucket, 接下來為了讓 web 存取我們選擇 more action(3 個點的 Icon ) > Edit Access New Principals > 選擇 allUsers > Storage Object Viewer. 接下來可以上傳你的靜態網站的資源了,這裡我們多作一個設定,通常我們要指定網站的首頁為何, 約定成俗是 index.html,一樣 more action(3 個點的 Icon ) > edit website configuration 將 Index (main) page suffix 設定為 index.html(記得 bucket 裡要有這個檔)
deploy-job:# This job runs in the deploy stage. stage:deploy# It only runs when *both* jobs in the test stage complete successfully. image:google/cloud-sdk needs: -job:build-job artifacts:true script: # - gcloud auth list # Show the ACTIVE ACCOUNT * -gsutilrsync-Rbuildgs://your_bucket_name -echo"Application successfully deployed."
-name:SonarCloudScan uses:marsen/[email protected] with: # The key of the SonarQube project sonarProjectKey:Marsen.NetCore.Dojo # The name of the SonarQube project sonarProjectName:Marsen.NetCore.Dojo # The name of the SonarQube Organization sonarOrganization:marsen-github # Optional extra command arguments the the SonarScanner 'begin' command sonarBeginArguments:/d:sonar.cs.opencover.reportsPaths="./test/*/TestResults/*/coverage.opencover.xml" # Optional. Set to 1 or true to not run 'dotnet test' command # dotnetDisableTests: true dotnetTestArguments:Marsen.NetCore.Dojo.Integration.Test.sln--loggertrx-p:CoverletOutputFormat="opencover"--collect:"XPlatCodeCoverage"--DataCollectionRunSettings.DataCollectors.DataCollector.Configuration.Format=opencover dotnetBuildArguments:Marsen.NetCore.Dojo.sln
// Import the functions you need from the SDKs you need import { initializeApp } from"firebase/app"; import { getAnalytics } from"firebase/analytics"; // TODO: Add SDKs for Firebase products that you want to use // https://firebase.google.com/docs/web/setup#available-libraries
// Your web app's Firebase configuration // For Firebase JS SDK v7.20.0 and later, measurementId is optional const firebaseConfig = { apiKey: "A****************", authDomain: "******.firebaseapp.com", projectId: "******", storageBucket: "******.appspot.com", messagingSenderId: "******", appId: "1:******:web:******", measurementId: "G-*********", };
// If you want to start measuring performance in your app, pass a function // to log results (for example: reportWebVitals(console.log)) // or send to an analytics endpoint. Learn more: https://bit.ly/CRA-vitals reportWebVitals();
// If you want to start measuring performance in your app, pass a function // to log results (for example: reportWebVitals(console.log)) // or send to an analytics endpoint. Learn more: https://bit.ly/CRA-vitals reportWebVitals();
// If you want to start measuring performance in your app, pass a function // to log results (for example: reportWebVitals(console.log)) // or send to an analytics endpoint. Learn more: https://bit.ly/CRA-vitals reportWebVitals(); });
//return value functionfoo1(a, b) { return a + b; } // arrow function letfoo2 = (a, b) => { return a + b; }; // skip { } and return letfoo3 = (a, b) => a + b;
functionfoo4(a, b) { return { sum: a + b }; } // arrow function letfoo5 = (a, b) => { return { sum: a + b }; }; // add () so you can skip { } and return letfoo6 = (a, b) => ({ sum: a + b });
docker run --rm -it -v gitlab-runner-config:/etc/gitlab-runner \ gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest register
Enter your GitLab instance URL (also known as the gitlab-ci coordinator URL).
Enter the token you obtained to register the runner.
Enter a description for the runner. You can change this value later in the GitLab user interface.
Enter the tags associated with the runner, separated by commas. You can change this value later in the GitLab user interface.
Provide the runner executor. For most use cases, enter docker.
If you entered docker as your executor, you’ll be asked for the default image to be used for projects that do not define one in .gitlab-ci.yml. GitLab instance URL 是 https://gitlab.com/ 你可以在專案中的 Settings > CI/CD 找到 token, description 會顯示在 Runner List 中,可以用易懂的描述, tags 可以更多的參考這本篇文章設定 executor 選用 docker 記得需要安裝 docker daemon executor 為 docker 時,需要註明預設的 image,我是選用 docker:stable